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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1994-10-16  |  85KB  |  620x390  |  24-bit (100,340 colors)
Labels: cake | earth | fence | map | plant | road | sidewalk | sky | tree | windowpane
OCR: PENN LVANIA N.J OHIO Ohio Itimore W EST D.C. Arlington WASHINGTON VIRGINIA DEL CHARLESTON Harr risonburg Staunton sburg Cha rlottesville CKENTUCKY RICHMOND vnchburc Jame Blacksbur Roanoke Petersburg Newpor Beach Brist Res News arfolk Danvifle Kerr TENNNESSEE 36 CAROLIN RALEIGH Baltimore Harrisonburg Fredericksburg KENTUCKY RICHMONE Wnchbure Blacksbure Bristol Danviffex TENNESSEE NORTH